ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Early Summit Rate
by Jan 27, 2019
700,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Full Summit Rate
after Jan 27, 2019
800,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the
first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Daily Rate
at all times
450,-- €
includes all sessions, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Early Summit Rate
by Jan 27, 2019
700,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Full Summit Rate
after Jan 27, 2019
800,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the
first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Daily Rate
at all times
450,-- €
includes all sessions, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Daily Rate
at all times
450,-- €
includes all sessions, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Full Summit Rate
after Jan 27, 2019
800,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the
first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Early Summit Rate
by Jan 27, 2019
700,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Daily Rate
at all times
450,-- €
includes all sessions, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Full Summit Rate
after Jan 27, 2019
800,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the
first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Early Summit Rate
by Jan 27, 2019
700,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Daily Rate
at all times
450,-- €
includes all sessions, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Full Summit Rate
after Jan 27, 2019
800,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the
first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Early Summit Rate
by Jan 27, 2019
700,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Program Day 2, March 27
Morning. Thursday, March 27, 2025
Speakers from the respective organizations and countries present news from the worldwide global, regional and augmentation satellite navigation systems in operation and under development.
Global: GALILEO (EU), GPS (USA), BeiDou (China)
Regional: QZSS (Japan), IRNSS/NAVIC (India), KPS (Korea)
Augmentation: EGNOS (EU), WAAS (USA), MSAS (Japan), Gagan (India)
Mike Swiek, Mike International, LLC, Washington, D.C., USA
Panel members:
Ignacio Alcantarilla, Head of Sector for Galileo and EGNOS, European Commission (EC), Brussels, Belgium
Col. Matthew Spencer, U.S. Space Force, Space Systems Command, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Sharafat Gadimova, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, Vienna, Austria
Satoshi Hosoda, QZSS Strategy Office, Tokyo, Japan
Sung-woo Kim, Korea AeroSpace Administration, RoK
Reliable Positioning, Navigation, and Timing (PNT) systems are critical for modern economies both for mobility as well as for synchronization of critical infrastructure. With the current trends towards increasing traffic volumes, autonomy and automation ensuring resilience in these systems is paramount, particularly in environments where signal disruption or spoofing could lead to catastrophic failures. The session will discuss the importance of robust PNT solutions and explore emerging technologies for enhancing resilience, such as e.g. artificial intelligence, quantum advancements or next-generation payloads. AI-driven algorithms can improve real-time decision-making and fault tolerance, while quantum technologies offer unprecedented security and accuracy. Join us and examine in this session how these innovations can safeguard and future-proof PNT for ensuring reliability and stability of critical systems in an increasingly complex world.
Carla Filotico, Partner & Managing Director, Novaspace, London, UK
Panel members:
Karen van Dyke, Director, Positioning, Navigation and Timing (PNT) and Spectrum Management, DOT, Washington DC, USA
Dana Goward, President, Resilient Navigation and Timing Foundation, Virginia, USA
Irma Rodríguez Pérez, Head of the GNSS Algorithms, Products and Services Division, GNSS Busines Unit of GMV, Madrid, Spain
Kai Bongs, Director of the Institute for Quantum Technologies, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Ulm, Germany
Mark Brammer, Positioning Programme Lead, National Positioning, Navigation and Timing Office, Department for Science, Innovation and Technology, Glasgow, UK
Satellite navigation systems play a critical role in various applications, but face significant vulnerabilities due to external disruptions. In recent years, the impact of jamming and spoofing on GNSS has become apparent. In addition, we are currently approaching the peak of solar activity, which will further increase the need to increase the resilience of the systems affected. This session will explore the potential degradation of satellite navigation receivers, focusing on intentional disruptions such as jamming and spoofing, as well as natural phenomena such as solar storms. Experts will discuss the mechanisms of these disturbances, their impact on navigation accuracy and reliability, and strategies for detection, monitoring and mitigation. By addressing both technical and practical aspects, the session aims to foster a deeper understanding of how to improve the resilience of satellite navigation systems against these evolving threats.
Todd Humphreys, Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Panel members:
Todd Humphreys, Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Amir Tabatabaei, Chief Technical Officer & GNSS Engineer, IGASPIN, Graz, Austria
Ramsey Faragher, Director and Chief Executive Officer, RIN / Trustpoint, Cambridge, UK
Michael Meurer, Professor, Head of Navigation Department, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany
Björn Bergmann, Data Analyst, Global Fishing Watch & Project Manager, SkyTruth, Shepherdstown, WV, USA
Navigation has always been understood as an enabler for services to our society and economy. This session will feature PNT innovations that go beyond established services with the prospect of high market success: drone-based parcel delivery, robot taxis, and indoor location-based services with smartphones.
The PNT enablers are LEO-PNT/signals of opportunity, sensor fusion with precise GNSS, and short-range communication signals (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, UWB). Special emphasis will be given to 3GPP standardization (5G/6G/NTN) to reduce costs in the upstream/downstream sector of navigation by synergetic use of COM and NAV devices.
Li-Ta Hsu, Professor, Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Panel members:
Winfried Stock, SpaceCom Labs of the Space Systems Research Center, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Neubiberg, Germany
José A. del Peral Rosado, Airbus Defence and Space, Taufkirchen/Munich, Germany
Ilaria Martini, Principal Research Engineer, uBlox, Sgonico, Italy
Daniel Medina, R&D Engineer, DLR, Berlin, Germany
Christopher Mutschler, Director of the Positioning and Networks division, Fraunhofer IIS, Nuremberg, Germany
Bruno Bougard, CTO, Septentrio, Leuven, Belgium
Galileo services, including the Open Service (OS), Public Regulated Service (PRS), High Accuracy Service (HAS), and Open Service Navigation Message Authentication (OSNMA), as well as new services such as the Early Warning Satellite Service (EWSS), the Maritime Service, and the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS), offer a broad range of precise and secure navigation solutions for various sectors, from transportation to critical infrastructure.
The session will give you latest insights into the fast developing new services.
Robert Greinacher, Head of the Project Management Office and Quality Department, EUSPA, Prague, Czech Republic
Panel members:
Javier de Blas, Galileo Service Manager, EUSPA, Prague, Czech Republik
Michel Hamwi, EGNOS Service Provision Manager, EUSPA, Tournefeuille, France
This session will explore recent advancements in the development of Galileo PRS (Public Regulated Service) receivers and use cases, focusing on improving size, weight and power (SWaP) of the associated devices as well as the accuracy, security and resilience of the resulting services. Topics will include status and availability of receiver hardware, server-based processing, anti-jamming aspects, and multi-constellation GNSS integration.
Stefan Baumann, IABG, Ottobrunn, Germany
Panel members:
Alexander Rügamer, Head of Satellite Based Positioning Systems Department, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS, Nuremberg, Germany
Alessandro Ambri, Electronic Equipment & Communications LoB, LEONARDO, Campi Bisenzio, Italy
Manuel Toledo, Business Unit Director of Navigation User Segment and PRS, GMV, Madrid, Spain
This year´s Legal Session, as always organized and moderated by our partner BHO Legal, will focus on the legal boundaries for jamming & spoofing and related countermeasures, including within general international law, cyberlaw and aviation law. Key experts from the European Commission, the ITU and relevant international and European organisations in the aviation sector will discuss on the growing threats from jamming and spoofing, the
applicable international law, policy and other measures taken by European and international stakeholders, and legal limitations of countermeasures.
Ingo Baumann, BHO Legal, Cologne, Germany
Oliver Heinrich, BHO Legal, Cologne, Germany
Panel members:
Gerhard Berz, Head of Navigation and Spectrum, Eurocontrol, Brussels, Belgium
Ignacio Alcantarilla Medina, Head of Sector Galileo and EGNOS, European Commission (EC), Brussels, Belgium
Jorge Ciccorossi, Head of Space Strategy and Sustainability Division, ITU, Geneva, Switzerland