ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Early Summit Rate
by Jan 27, 2019
700,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Full Summit Rate
after Jan 27, 2019
800,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the
first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Daily Rate
at all times
450,-- €
includes all sessions, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Early Summit Rate
by Jan 27, 2019
700,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Full Summit Rate
after Jan 27, 2019
800,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the
first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Daily Rate
at all times
450,-- €
includes all sessions, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Daily Rate
at all times
450,-- €
includes all sessions, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Full Summit Rate
after Jan 27, 2019
800,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the
first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Early Summit Rate
by Jan 27, 2019
700,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Daily Rate
at all times
450,-- €
includes all sessions, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Full Summit Rate
after Jan 27, 2019
800,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the
first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Early Summit Rate
by Jan 27, 2019
700,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Daily Rate
at all times
450,-- €
includes all sessions, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Full Summit Rate
after Jan 27, 2019
800,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the
first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Early Summit Rate
by Jan 27, 2019
700,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
ION Rate
by Oct 28, 2018
600,-- €
includes all sessions, evening receptions on the first and second day, admission to the lunches, coffee/tea, snacks and refreshments as well as the conference proceedings
Program Day 2, March 26
8.30 - 10.15 hrs
Presentations are informing about news from the worldwide global, regional and augmentation satellite navigationsystems in operation and under development.
Global: GALILEO (EU), GPS (USA), GLONASS (Russia), BeiDou (China)
Regional: QZSS (Japan), NAVIC (India)
Augmentation: EGNOS (EU), MSAS (Japan), SDCM (Russia), Gagan (India)
Chairman: Mike Swiek, Mike International, LLC, Washington, DC, USA
Panel Members:
Jérémie Godet, Deputy Head of Unit, Galileo and EGNOS – Programme Management, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Rodrigo da Costa, Galileo Exploitation Programme Manager, European GNSS Agency (GSA), Prague, Czech Republic
"Status of Galileo"
Lt Col Max Mai, U.S. Air Force GPS Directorate, Los Angeles, CA, USA
"Status and Modernization of the US Global Positioning System"
Ivan Revnivykh, ROSCOSMOS State Space Corporation (GLONASS Team), Moscow, Russia
Feng Jianguang, Project Manager, China Satellite Navigation Office, Beijing, China
"Updates on BeiDou Navigation Satellite System"
Jean-Marc Pieplu, EGNOS Exploitation Program Manager, European GNSS Agency (GSA), Prague, Czech Republic
"Status of EGNOS"
Go Takizawa, National Space Policy Secretariat, Japan
"Status of the Japanese QZSS Regional System"
Dr. Moon Beom Heo, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Daejeon, South Korea
"Status of KPS plans"
Manish Saxena, Associate Director, Satellite Navigation Program Office, ISRO, India
"Status of NAVIC"
Sharafat Gadimova, Program Officer, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, Vienna, Austria
"Status of the ICG"
10.15 - 10.45 hrs
10.45 hrs - 12.00 hrs
Augmented Reality (AR) is more and more emerging in different parts of daily life in modern society. A variety of applications provides a new view, using digital content to complement physical objects of the real world. While AR has been very expensive in the past, it became more and more affordable over the last years, leading to a high usage and even being available on smartphones for any user. Many developers of augmented reality software also take advantage of GNSS solutions that offer high-accuracy location data. This session brings together experts for AR and GNSS from science and industry to discuss different approaches and challenges of combining these two state-of-the-art technologies.
Chairman: Prof. Dr. Philipp Rauschnabel, Professor for Digital Marketing and Media Innovation, Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, Neubiberg, Germany
Panel Members:
Darius Pajouh, Managing Director, Visualix GmbH, Berlin, Germany
Wolfgang Stelzle, CEO and Founder, RE‘FLEKT GmbH
Fiammetta Diani, Head of Market Development Department, GSA, Prague, Czech Republic
Himanshu Sharma, Research Associate, ISTA, Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, Germany
Closing Remarks:
Prof. Dr. Thomas Pany, ISTA, Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, Neubiberg, Germany
12.00 - 13.00 hrs
Brief presentations from the Munich scene reporting on news and activities of the Bavarian satellite navigation network of excellence and of the high-tech cluster of satellite navigation.
Chairman: Martin Grzebellus, Managing Director, NavCert GmbH, Munich, Germany
Panel Members:
Frank Negretti, Member of the Board, bavAIRia e.V., Gilching, Germany
Markus Bochenko, Director Navigation Simulators, WORK Microwave GmbH, Holzkirchen, Germany
Dr. Patrick Henkel, Founder and Managing Director, Advanced Navigation Solutions - ANavS, Munich, Germany
Dr. Markus Irsigler, Product Manager Signal Generators, Rohde & Schwarz GmbH, Munich, Germany
Michael Gieselmann, Managing Director, NavCert GmbH, Munich, Germany
André Bauerhin, Managing Director, spaceopal GmbH, Munich, Germany
Prof. Dr. Guenter Hein, Acting Director of the Executive Board, Munich Aerospace-Fakultaet fuer Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V., Taufkirchen, Germany
13.00 - 14.00 hrs
14.00 - 15.30 hrs
The 2019 Summit marks the 10th Anniversary of the Legal Session, an unique feature in world-wide GNSS conferences. As in the past years, renowned speakers will discuss legal or regulatory developments on GNSS systems and applications as well as the latest news on GNSS-related cooperation of partner countries in the European Union.
Dr. Ingo Baumann, Partner, BHO Legal, Cologne, Germany
Dr. Oliver Heinrich, Partner, BHO Legal, Cologne, Germany
Panel Members:
Christoph Kautz, Deputy Head of Unit, DG Grow, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Dr. Souichirou Kozuka, Professor of Law, Gakushuin University, Tokio, Japan
Dr. Dejian Kong, China University of Political Science and Law, China
Prof. Dr. Lesley Jane Smith, Leuphana University, Luneburg, Germany
15.30 - 17.00 hrs
The deployment of the Galileo ground- and space-segment, including the PRS relevant components, will reach FOC in the next years. PRS-receiver developments also take place since some years on European level and first receivers are already available. Therefore, the first governmental authorised PRS-users will start their activities to test, implement and use the PRS in the coming years. This session will provide an overview the preparatory activities of different potential European PRS user communities to be ready for the future use of the Galileo Public Regulated Service.
Chairman: Dr. Stefan Baumann, Project Manager, IABG, Ottobrunn, Germany
Panel Members:
Charles Villie, PRS Service Manager, GSA, Prague, Czech Republic
Ronald Nippold, Institute of Transportation Systems, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Berlin, Germany
Bgdr Dr. Friedrich Teichmann, Director Geospatial Institute, Austrian Armed Forces, Austria
Bas van der Hoeven, CGI Netherlands, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Dr. Jari Hänninen, Traficom, Competent PRS Authority, Helsinki, Finland
Lt. Col. Giovanni Falcucci, Ministry of Defence, Rome, Italy
17.00 - 17.30 hrs
17.30 - 19.00 hrs
Satellite and terrestrial means will share the future navigation scenery. To achieve a fruitful coexistence, great efforts on research and development are currently ongoing. This panel will share forecasts on smart cities user needs and discuss the place that the current and modernized Galileo and EGNOS systems will occupy in the future as well as how they will be able to effectively respond to those needs. Complementarily, the panellists will address the status of terrestrial and satellite technologies, paying particular attention to current 5G and GNSS standardization efforts. The ultimate objective of this enterprise will be to come with a hybrid position evolutions roadmap, in response to which invited speakers will introduce preliminary automated driving implementation solutions and possible future evolutions.
Chairman: Miguel Manteiga Bautista, GNSS Evolutions Programme Manager, ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Panel Members:
Dr. Ignacio Fernandez-Hernandez, Administrator – Galileo Authentication and High Accuracy Service Manager, European Commission, Brussels, Belgium
Roberto Prieto Cerdeira, GNSS Evolutions R&D Principal Engineer, ESA, Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Reinhard Blasi, Market Development Officer, GSA, Prague, Czech Republic
Dr. Mohamed Youssef, Senior IoT Product Development Manager, Sony North America, San Diego, CA, USA
Dr. Bruno Bougard, R&D Director, Septentrio, Brussels, Belgium
David Bartlett, Senior Principal Engineer Positioning, u-blox, Cambridge, UK
Dr. Fredrik Gunnarsson, Expert in RAN Automation and Positioning, Ericsson, Linkoping, Sweden
EVENING RECEPTION: Summit Space Night 2019 at Deutsches Museum Verkehrszentrum
sponsored by Airbus
* to be confirmed